Week 4

This week we have been dressing up in some of our school nativity costumes. The children have independently been acting out scenes from our nativity and from the Christmas story.

We have enjoyed thinking about a journey story this week after learning about Mary and Josephs journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem.

The children made up their own journey stories for their story squiggle and we had some fantastic ideas!

Week 3

This week has been very exciting as the children have been out in the small amount of snow we have had and have been exploring ice and frost.

They have been keeping warm inside and also learning how to play snakes and ladders. Dice games are great for supporting the children’s subitising skills up to 6 and further supports their 1-1 correspondence when moving their counter up the board. We practiced going down the snakes and climbing up the ladders!

Week 2

This week we had our very first school trip. The coach was very exciting and we looked at the similarities and differences between coaches and buses. We had lots of fun exploring the woodland and taking part in activities related to the Gruffalo characters. After our packed lunches we headed back outside to explore the area. Mud kitchen, rope swing, den building and much more!

Autumn 2 – Week 1

The children have loved being back at school this week and are making the most of being outside before it gets too cold! We have been learning about Remembrance Day this week and we have watched the cbeebies ‘Poppies’ video to support our learning. https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/watch/poppies

Next week within school we will be having an assembly where we will go to lay our class wreaths. Here is our poppy, made with our hand prints.

We are also loving our library slot with Mis Whiteley and the children are so focussed when there. We are learning to look at the pictures and tell ourselves what might be happening in the story.

Week 8

Scrambled egg…who new making and eating scrambled egg could be so much fun! A few children collected eggs from our hens and we decided to make something we could enjoy at school. We used the kitchen in Nursery and the children each cracked an egg, whisked, poured a splash of milk in, poured into the pan and stirred on the hob. The demand for a small portion of scrambled egg was unrivalled and lots of children asked me the next day whether we could make it again.

The children are loving writing our phonics sounds and this week we have had a real focus on writing our names.

Week 7

This week we have been doing lots of Autumnal craft and activities. We had a pumpkin for the children to explore in the craft area and they decided to chop it up. We used child friendly kitchen equipment and Leen had the idea to cook the pumpkin. We put it in the oven in Nursery and we all tried a piece at snack time. The children could not decide whether they liked it or not, but the plate was left empty! We even chopped up more to put in the oven, along with some seeds.

Week 6

Our class tree is an apple tree in the orchard and we collected the apples before they had all dropped to the floor and been eaten by insects! We invited Mr Magnell to Reception for the afternoon to use the apple press to make us apple juice! This was a very long task and the children came and went as they pleased, however many chose to stay and watch for the entire process which was about 45 minutes! The fresh apple juice was very brown and much darker than what we are used to, but most children had a try and thought it was amazing and could hardly believe that this is what happened to our solid apples!

Week 5

We could not believe how many people we managed to squeeze into the hall on Wednesday morning but WOW! The children were over the moon when they were showing their buddies their favourite things.

We have also loved starting to learn actions to go alongside our story map for Little Rabbit Foo Foo. Ask the children who the characters are in the story and see if they can remember them all!

Week 4

This week we have loved our workshop area and have been making lots of amazing things. We have been practicing finding the end of the sellotape and putting it on the edge of the table to save the end. The children are brilliant with cutting and sticking and have been wrapping up presents for people.

We are so proud of the children for how beautifully they are sitting and eating in the lunch hall. We are practicing using our knife and fork for cutting up food and scooping it into our mouths!

Week 3

This week we have been practicing sorting items as part of our maths lessons. Maria did some great sorting when the numicon got mixed up!

Our phonics lessons have been going well and the children have loved learning the sounds and how to write them. Rose did some lovely writing on her whiteboard using the rhymes to help her.

Rio has been helping me to look after the chickens this week and we collect grass and roots for them to eat every morning. As a thankyou from the hens, he managed to collect an egg – it was still warm!

This week we also went to choose a class tree. This is a tree that we keep an eye on over the course of the year and we see how it changes. We have chosen an apple tree in the orchard and enjoyed collecting some apples that had fallen off and chopped them up to enjoy before home time. Lots of children thought that the apple slices were sweet, with only a few saying they were sour!